Configuring a Hardhat Project for Deploying a Smart Contract on the CrossFi Blockchain: A complete guide.

Configuring a Hardhat Project for Deploying a Smart Contract on the CrossFi Blockchain: A complete guide.

Deploying a smart contract on the CrossFi blockchain using Hardhat is a systematic process. This guide walks you through the complete setup, from initializing your Hardhat project to deploying the contract on the CrossFi blockchain.


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js

  • Yarn or npm

  • Metamask wallet with enough XFI token on CrossFi testnet

  • Your wallet private key

See guide on how to claim XFI faucet here

Step 1: set up your hardhat project

Create project directory and navigate to the directory.

mkdir crossfi-hardhat-project
cd crossfi-hardhat-project

Install hardhat by running the following commands in your project directory;

yarn init -y  
yarn add --dev hardhat


npm init -y
npm install --save-dev hardhat

Initialize Hardhat;

npx hardhat init

Once you do this, you will get the prompt below;

Select typescript project and install the necessary dependencies as seen below;

Step 2: Update hardhat.config.ts

Get the Alchemy API key and modify the configuration file to include the CrossFi network:

import { HardhatUserConfig, vars } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";

const ALCHEMY_API_KEY = vars.get("ALCHEMY_API_KEY");

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: "0.8.28",
  networks: {
    crossfiTestnet: {
      url: `${ALCHEMY_API_KEY}`,
      accounts: vars.has("PRIVATE_KEY") ? [vars.get("PRIVATE_KEY")] : [],

export default config;

We did not configure etherscan API key because contracts verification on CrossFi blockchain is not publicly available right now due to the Explorer API being under active development. So we will just deploy the contract

Step 3: configure the environment variable

To configure the variables, use the following hardhat CLI;

$ npx hardhat vars set ALCHEMY_API_KEY
✔ Enter value: ********************************
$ npx hardhat vars set PRIVATE_KEY
✔ Enter value: ********************************

To displays a configuration variable's value:

$ npx hardhat vars get ALCHEMY_API_KEY

Step 4: Deploy the contract

We are just going to deploy the Lock.sol contract that came with the hardhat project and run the deployment script on the CrossFi network:

npx hardhat ignition deploy ignition/modules/Lock.ts --network crossfiTestnet --verify

Once your contract is deployed, you will see the details;

You can then copy the contract address to and check the details of the just deployed contract.


In this guide, we initialized a Hardhat project, configured the CrossFi Testnet, and deployed the Lock.sol smart contract.